Laser Pointer Policy
Laser pointers are great tools for use in astronomy for educational purposes, however the use of laser pointers requires us to comply with legal and safety obligations during their use.
To ensure that Star Gayzers members comply with these obligations the following Laser Pointer Policy applies to all Star Gayzers Members, Visitors and Guests at any event held by Star Gayzers Inc.
Laser Pointer Policy:

- Only club owned & provided laser pointers to be used at Star Gayzers events.
- Only club current Laser Certified Financial Members to be allowed use of laser pointers at Star Gayzers events
- Financial Members that wish to use laser pointers at Star Gayzers must have read the Laser Safety Training Guide and returned the completed agreement form for member certification.
- Laser Pointer use and operation to be over seen by designated Laser Safety Officer (LSO) at Star Gayzers events to ensure safety guidelines are adhered to.
- Members using Laser Pointers do so under the strict direction of the LSO at all times.
- Operators of laser pointers shall not be compromised by intoxication.
- Laser pointers may ONLY be used outdoors and only ABOVE the horizon.
- Laser pointers will NOT be used towards humans, animals, buildings, aircraft, or features on the landscape.
- Laser pointers used at Star Gayzers MUST meet minimum safety standards (see below).
- Only ONE (1) laser pointer to be used at a Star Gayzers Event.
- Laser pointer is to be disabled via key lock when not in active use by operator to prevent accidental operation.
- The use of Laser pointers by members at non Star Gayzers Events is at the sole responsibility of the member. Any unlawful activity conducted by the member shall not reflect upon Star Gayzers Inc.
- Members using laser pointers must comply with the directions given by law enforcement agencies at all times.
- Members MUST carry their membership card whilst using laser pointers.
- You agree that your Membership details may be provided to Queensland Police for background checks, (if required).
Laser Pointer Minimum Safety Requirements:
- 520nm - 532nm (green) laser pointers from 1mW up to 20mW
- An AUTOMATIC POWER CONTROL (APC) driving electronics ensures constant output power within the laser class limitations
- CONTROL LED provides visual feedback when the laser pointer is turned ON,
- Integrated SAFETY KEYLOCK which allows the laser pointer to be disabled and prevent unauthorised operation.
- Laser pointers must be kept in lockable case when not in use.
Laser Safety Officer (LSO):
The designated Laser Safety Officer (LSO) at any Star Gayzers Event shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with all safety and legal obligations of any Member using laser pointers.
- Designation of event LSO by any Star Gayzers Executive Committee Member.
- LSO must be current Laser Certified Financial Member.
- Identify and constantly monitor aircraft flight paths above the visible horizon within the event area.
- Ensure that only Laser Certified Financial Members are in control of laser pointers.
- Ensure that users of laser pointers comply with safety standards and legal obligations at all times.
- Ensure that ONLY Star Gayzers owned & provided laser pointers are used at Star Gayzers Events.
(Users of 3rd party & non-compliant laser pointers will be asked to leave the event)
- Laser pointers may be removed from use at any Star Gayzers event at the sole discretion of the designated LSO.
- Designated LSO shall not be compromised by intoxication.
- Ensure operators of laser pointers are not compromised by intoxication.
- LSO must comply with the direction given by any law enforcement agencies at all times.
Laser Safety Training Guide:
Completion of the Star Gayzers Laser Safety Guide is required by Current Financial Members wishing to operate laser pointers at any Star Gayzers Event.
Star Gayzers Laser Safety Training Guide is available for FREE Download from the Star Gayzers Online Store >>HERE<<
Return a copy of the signed Member Agreement & Certification Application form to: LSO (at) or to the club president at any Star Gayzers Event.
You will be notified once your certification has been approved.
Recognised Astronomical Organisation:
Star Gayzers is now a recognised Astronomical Organisation (RAO) by Queensland Police under Section 67 of the Queensland Government Weapons Act 1990.
Approved Organisations can be found on the Queensland Police Website: >>> HERE <<<